Are You Ready To Embrace Your New Era?

An incredibly potent new moon solar eclipse on 14th December called us to embrace our visionary courage based on insights communicated to us. These are likely to foster an inner thirst for adventures of the unknown over the coming months.

New moon solar eclipses always usher new beginnings. This one, occurring at the end of an epic year, initiates radical change.

We are being asked to question the information we are receiving by being curious.

We are being asked/pressed to consider which of our paradigms or beliefs no longer serve us. Have you placed rules and guidelines on yourself?

The new moon and eclipse asked you to honour and acknowledge who you are now and what is next, even if unknown and scary. It wants you to embrace the vulnerability around that, and is here to lend you Sagittarian courage.

We are about to arrive in an era when we can develop gifts we could previously only dream of.

On 21st December the Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn takes place at 0º Aquarius – the dawning of the Age of Aquarius. Setting the stage for a new era for life here on Mother Earth, for humanity.