Review, Reflect And Feel To Open Your Life To The New 😃

The full moon lunar eclipse on 30th November calls us to review, reflect, and feel what past emotional conditioning we may dis-empower in order to create momentum. In doing so we choose how we want our future to be.

As such we are at the point of leaving the old and beginning the new. Choices made before the end of December will affect you for months and years to come.

Listen to your feelings. Navigate with your intuition, not your head.

The power we have to shape our experience flows from our ability to choose – to align with and to place our trust in the outcomes we desire, or not.

This highly charged lunar eclipse creates much tension, anxiety, uncertainty, and insecurity. Its focus is on your love relationships and your finances.

Therefore the potential to cause breakups, nervous breakdowns, and financial loss.

I believe we will see 2020 has initiated us into a cycle of creativity and re-formation that will push us into fulfilling the true story of who we are.

In 2021 small moves and subtle shifts have more power than big moves and grand theatre.

This lunar eclipse and the solar eclipse on 14th December make an eclipse phase that lasts until the lunar eclipse on 26th May, 2021.

We are also being asked to question what you thought you knew and where it came from.

The culminating point of 2020 is here. Whilst it may seem difficult, now is the moment to recognise the deeper, hidden gifts of this year, reflect on, and integrate the lessons you have learnt. Plan your next step.